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Eglise Saint-Odilon
Religious building
in Sevrey
Located a few kilometers south of Chalon, the church of Saint-Martin de Sevrey was
was rebuilt in 1862 by the Chalonnais architect Narjoux, who kept, in his project, two 15th century chapels and a Romanesque apse used as a sacristy
While the municipality was considering the restoration of this apse, a few fragments of coloured paint were discovered by chance. Subsequent soundings confirmed the interest of the remains preserved under the whitewash. The clearing of the whole and its...Located a few kilometers south of Chalon, the church of Saint-Martin de Sevrey was
was rebuilt in 1862 by the Chalonnais architect Narjoux, who kept, in his project, two 15th century chapels and a Romanesque apse used as a sacristy
While the municipality was considering the restoration of this apse, a few fragments of coloured paint were discovered by chance. Subsequent soundings confirmed the interest of the remains preserved under the whitewash. The clearing of the whole and its conservation were then decided within the framework of a workcamp composed of volunteers placed under the direction of professionals: J.G. Cellier, director of a restoration workshop in Paris, and P. Delval of Dijon. Wall paintings.
The first clearing operation revealed a 15th century representation of Christ in Majesty. Placed in a mandorla, he holds the Book in his left hand, his feet resting on a sphere. He is surrounded by the symbols of the evangelists presented in circles made up of a large red crenellated band.
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