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Site d'escalade - Mont Rome
in Saint-Sernin-du-Plain
The Mont Rome site is first and foremost a unique site in the region, with the distinctive feature of being in the form of a chaos of boulders. The various sectors offer different orientations and inclinations. It's often compared (proportionately) to the Frankenjura. The routes are often finger-picked, tough, fairly short and require a good reading to be able to envisage the "on sight" routes. There are now over a hundred routes here, ranging from 3a to 8a, with slabs, vertical sections,...
The Mont Rome site is first and foremost a unique site in the region, with the distinctive feature of being in the form of a chaos of boulders. The various sectors offer different orientations and inclinations. It's often compared (proportionately) to the Frankenjura. The routes are often finger-picked, tough, fairly short and require a good reading to be able to envisage the "on sight" routes. There are now over a hundred routes here, ranging from 3a to 8a, with slabs, vertical sections, north faces for the summer and 45° overhangs. In short, there's something for everyone and you can climb here almost all year round. What's also interesting about the site is that there's almost always a dry area, sheltered from the wind and/or in the shade. In terms of equipment, the site has gone through several periods: an initial phase of equipment using buffers in 83/86 (you can still see pegs from that period in some of the classics!). Re-equipment of the entire site (and equipment for a good dozen routes) in the 88/90s. A series of new routes were opened in the 2000/2020s. Then, maintenance work enabled the site to remain accessible (access paths, etc.).
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