Affiche Renaissance à gogo

Renaissance galore! - concert by the Ensemble Céladon

Music in Sampigny-lès-Maranges
15 Full-fare
  • The expression "à gogo" comes from the late Middle Ages, when the word gogue meant "gay", "funny", "entertainment" or "joke". Today, we find it in the word "goguenard", or in the expression "être en goguette".

    Now, do you know what songs like Greensleeves, Belle qui tient ma vie and Flow my tears have in common?

    These songs, which were already popular during the Renaissance, have stood the test of time. Even if their titles don't mean much to you, you're bound to have heard them at the...
    The expression "à gogo" comes from the late Middle Ages, when the word gogue meant "gay", "funny", "entertainment" or "joke". Today, we find it in the word "goguenard", or in the expression "être en goguette".

    Now, do you know what songs like Greensleeves, Belle qui tient ma vie and Flow my tears have in common?

    These songs, which were already popular during the Renaissance, have stood the test of time. Even if their titles don't mean much to you, you're bound to have heard them at the cinema, on the radio or on TV: Belle qui tiens ma vie was often hummed in the series Kaamelott (it also features in Sally Potter's magnificent 1992 film Orlando); Flow my tears, by the great John Dowland, was covered a few years ago by the singer Sting; Greensleeves (composed by King Henry VIII) has made countless appearances in our modern world (from the series Damoiselle to the film Two Sisters for a King, it was also the music played by ice-cream trucks in Australia not so long ago).

    Once a hit, always a hit: in this pocket-sized concert, the Céladon ensemble sweeps through the hits of 16th-century Europe: Italy, England, France and Spain.

    From anecdotes to revelations, the two musicians will take you back in time to the sound of the clavicytherium and the voice of the counter-tenor, for a concert where humour and good humour will of course be the order of the day!

    Paulin Bündgen: countertenor
    Caroline Huynh Van Xuan: clavicytherium

    Tickets at the box office, 15 minutes before the concert
  • Rates
  • Base rate
    15 €
  • Child rate
    5 €
  • On March 16, 2025